Birth Certificate Verification (জন্ম নিবন্ধন যাচাই) Online Birth Certificate Verification

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Birth Certificate Verification (জন্ম নিবন্ধন যাচাই) Online Birth Certificate Verification. The birth registration needs to be validated, so go to and type the date of birth and 17-number birth registration number to search for the birth registration. The birth registration verification copy is easily accessible if the birth registration is done online.

Birth Certificate Verification Procedure

There is a very easy way to verify birth registration. By typing the birth certificate number and date of birth on the website, you can easily and quickly verify your birth certificate.

After we register the birth certificate, many people are unable to confirm that the birth register is correctly registered. Because of this, a large crowd may congregate in the computer shop, whereas a larger crowd may congregate in the municipality’s or union council’s information center. You can download a copy of your birth registration verification and easily verify it at home if you’d like.

Make sure that your birth registration is completed online before obtaining a verified copy of your birth certificate via the Internet. All of our birth certificates were written by hand on paper before that. Currently, there is a process underway to digitize everything to digitize birth registration. A large portion of the process of creating the handwritten birth registration certificates for residents online from each Union Council City Corporation Upazila Parishad Information Center has been finished. This post will teach you how to create an online birth registration certificate if yours hasn’t already been done.

Verification of birth registration and download verified copy step 1

First of all, select any browser from your mobile or computer.

Then search from the search bar

Enter the first website.

Online birth certificate verification
Online birth certificate verification

Verification of birth registration and download verified copy step 2

After entering the website, you can see an interface like the above

Enter your 17-digit birth certificate number in the first cell from here

The birth date must be entered in the second house by the instructions below for the birth registration to be confirmed: First year of birth, next to the month of birth, is what the birth registration verification yy mm dd stands for.

Later you can see two numbers in a picture the sum of these two should be entered in the next empty cell.

If all goes exactly to plan, you should see a Search option. Click it to bring up an interface similar to the one below if you registered your birth online. The online copy of your birth certificate will then resemble the image below.

জন্ম নিবন্ধন যাচাই
জন্ম নিবন্ধন যাচাই

Verification of birth registration and download verification copy step 3

When you see an online copy of your birth registration, similar to the one above, you can easily print your birth certificate through the computer after the birth registration has been verified. In addition, you can only print the birth registration certificate from a computer; the official process of obtaining an online copy of the certificate from the server of the birth registration verification website has not yet been initiated.

You will need to use a computer to assist you in doing this. With a mobile device, only you can take screenshots. On the other hand, you can use your computer to download the birth certificate verification PDF file, which you can then easily print using your printer. We do not know how to obtain a verified birth certificate.

The process of downloading the birth certificate

You can quickly download online copies of your birth registration by following the two steps listed below.

Press ctrl +p on the keyboard

This command generally allows us to print any webpage on any website as a PDF file, so we can use it to print the online copy of the birth registration by pressing Ctrl + P.

Also Read: হ্যাপি নিউ ইয়ার ২০২৪ স্ট্যাটাস

Some Tag:

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